This is Phantasmagoria - The New Collection

This is Phantasmagoria - The New Collection

We are rapturous to share our new collection with you: This is Phantasmagoria.

It has been a long time coming, it is the collection we envisioned when we first ventured into making dresses: the colours, the prints, the fabrics, the mood - all inspired by the people, music, films, books and world we love. 

And of course, you. If you have been with us since the early days and our previous incarnations through London's dazzling party nights of silk scanties - thank you for your support. We looked back there and rummaged around through all we fell in love with in the first place, before making our way back to here.

We carried the dark, glittering heart of love and enchantment that has always been central to our brand, and brought it into the here and now.

With the delicious new dawn, this collection is an ode to you and us, all we've been and all we are today. We hope you enjoy wandering through this hazy new world with us. 

With love and enchantment,

The Mignonnettes 🖤


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